Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 Bedroom, 2 car garage split level home for sale in Iowa.

3 Bedroom, 2 car garage, split level home for sale in Iowa. Contact Century 21 for details.

Most - if not all of you who read this blog know by now that we are no longer in Iowa. With the help of a good friend or two we were able to get the house empty and some of our possessions packed for the move to Guatemala. We have a furnished apartment in Antigua so we did have to move furniture. Don hooked a small Uhaul trailer to the van with all seats but two removed and we started out for Texas. It was a very long couple of days as we had to travel at 50 mph because of the load but the trip was uneventful otherwise. We arrived at our halfway point in the daylight and did the same at our final destination in Texas. The unloading took a great deal less time than the packing did because Don is an artist when it comes to using all available space to pack. Since our arrival we have spent the time recovering from sore joints and muscles and multiple bruises and getting some much needed rest.

Thanks to all of you who helped us get through all we have had to do recently.

All of the Staff at Wendy's in Burlington gave us moral support as we ate most, if not all, of our meals with them. This is a very good staff, hardworking and friendly and we appreciated them this past month. Thanks!

Thanks Burlington for the Memories. Feel free to keep in touch (but no forwarded stories or poems please -- I can find those myself). Tell us what the happenings are in Burlington because we are interested.

Bye Burlington

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