Thursday, September 8, 2011

We are back in Antigua as of Sept 1, 2011

Greetings All

Some of the folks who keep track of us through our blog have sent messages saying they did not know our current location so I shall remedy that. We are in Antigua Guatemala as of Sept 1, 2011. We left Antigua because a) our passport needing to be stamped at the end of 90 days, and b) we needed to clean out the house in Iowa and put it on the market.

Then Life Happened -- Don's step-father passed away at age 87 from complications of pneumonia. Don was the executor of his will which has been an added complication. Nothing in-surmountable but adding new edges everywhere for all of the family to contend with. Many of you know that Don's mom is paralyzed on one side and now is having issues with either dementia, early Alzheimers, or memory loss due to closed head trauma from the first and second falls. Now she 'forgets' that she cannot stand or walk on her own resulting in falls and trips to the ER. Mary, Don's mom, is in an assisted living facility. We had to clean and empty her condo and put it on the market THEN we were able to go to Iowa and do that with our stuff.

 WORD OF ADVISE -- start getting rid of stuff that you just have stuffed in drawers or closets. If you don't use it and don't love it get rid of it now.  It nearly did us in to do just that with our accumulation of 'stuff'. If you think a child or grandchild would love to have something you have then give it to them now and enjoy watching their little faces. You will all be happy.

Our next step is to find a facility here in Antigua for Don's mom. We would like to improve her quality of life and care. She could live a long time as the doctor says she is in good shape for the shape she is in. Life is a bit slower, easier and cheaper here in Guatemala.

Don says it is time for our afternoon adventure. We are going to check out an Ex-Pat library which has recently been re-located very near us. I will try to keep you posted on our shaningins.


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