Sunday, April 10, 2011

Photo Issue

It's hard to believe it, but we've run out of photo storage space on Picassa, the on-line storage service used by Blogspot. Free Blogspot accounts come with 1 GB (gigabyte, i.e. 1,024 megabytes) of free storage on Picassa, which we have filled. There is nothing to fear, however, as I just signed up for 20 GB of on-line Picassa storage for $5/year. If we continue at our current rate, that should last us for about a year and a half. Sorry for the delay. I have three processions to upload. Unfortunately, I have to "work," i.e. do my volunteer development director job and we've been busy. We currently have a Norwegian design team visiting us for 15 months and three representatives from GERD, a Spanish disability group, with whom we are conducting a special project. We are also awaiting word on two USAID projects, one of which we are the applicant and the other in which we are a participant. There are lots of exciting things going on right now.

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