Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday I'm off duty today

Today Alex had to go to the capital on business, so I had the day off. We spent it going to the mercado. When Edgar brought the wheelchair workshop staff to work this morning,

we hitched a ride to Alameda Santa Lucia, which is the major street that runs through Antigua right next to the mercado. We wandered around the mercado checking things out and then went over to the Bodegona (the larger grocery in Antigua) and got some cleaning supplies and staples. We then went over to the mercado to fruit and vegetable stand we used last year and purchased vegetables for soup and some fruit. I then went into the Despensa Familiar (the other grocery in town) and picked up some vinegar (for laundry use and salads) and some beef (chow mein style) to throw in it.

We then called our personal tuk tuk driver, Daniel, a young man we met yesterday. I have his cell phone number and when we need a tuk tuk, we text Daniel and he comes to take us home...all for Q15 ($1.93). We're going to try to stay with him, since he knows where we live now and he can use the business. I'll take a picture of him the next time we use him, so you can see our personal driver. Of course, we'll use other tuk tuk drivers when Daniel isn't available, but I'm betting he'll be available most of the time.

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