Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Afternoon in Antigua

Today, after lunch, we walked over to the mercado to pick up some fruit. We bought some citrus (similar to a tangerine), some bananas and some mangos.  As we left the outdoor fruit and vegetable area, we decided to walk through the chicken bus terminal. I bet your bus station doesn't have a volcano on the horizon. That magnificant sight is Volcán Agua, our closest and fortunately extinct volcano.

Heading back to the Alameda de Santa Lucia (remember, that's the main drag), we saw this father and son playing music. What he's playing is a homemade harp and the son beats a rhythm on the front of it.

 We picked up some meat at Dispensa Familiar and would have gotten some more items, but the caja (ATM) was out of cash. We walked around the corner to the Bodegona (the big grocery in Antigua and the most disorganized) to find that their caja was also out of order. In fact, it was being serviced.

Walking on towards Parque Central, we came to Calle del Arco (Street of the Arch) and found a clown performing.

After watching the clown for a while, we proceeded to the next caja and were successful in extracting cash from one of our accounts in the states. We proceeded to walk across Parque Central. In the center of the park is the Fountain of Sirens, which was built in 1737. There are four mermaids spaced around the center

and they are very busy, as you can see. (click on the photo to enlarge it)

On the walk back to our casita, we stopped at Tanque Union, which is a large public laundry facility, not used much any more, except by the poor and some backpackers. Looking across the water in the tank, you can once again see Volcán Agua in the distance.

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