Thursday, February 17, 2011

Separate Ways

Today we have gone our separate ways. Don needs to spend time with Alex so that he knows what Alex sees as his view of Transitions. Don will try to bring Alex around to the real world and out of the 1950's headset most of the people we talk to seem to have. I needed to stay out of the mix since if I am awake I will talk if there is someone around to talk with and I needed to keep quiet. So my morning has been spent doing house work stuff. I learned how to turn on the stove without blowing us up which is a very good thing. Now I just need a soup pot and ladle along with some fresh produce and I can make a splendid soup.

Before Don left this morning he saw to it that my computer was on the system and that I could reach out and talk to someone if I wanted to. As Susan put it this morning when I spoke to her almost before the sun had a chance to warm up, "He plugged me in to Sesame Street" so he could leave me here.

I took the opportunity to wash my hair so that I don't look so wild and woolie! It was scary this morning - all that hair standing strait up!

Don joined me for lunch, well actually, Alex and Don delivered lunch, and we ate here at the apartment. Alex went home to eat with his wife. The lunch for me is part of Don's contract so I don't get a dried up sandwich while Don and Chris eat a nice noon meal.

We had a a tour of the wheelchair shop today. It is a very busy shop with nearly all workers in wheelchairs. The have a nice chair design that works with the terrain here in GUA. During the tour we learned that one of the best kinds of "donations" they like are old wheelchairs - not hospital issue however, they prefer sports chairs and pediatric chairs. Anyone feel like scouring hospitals for their storage units full of these things. They can repair these chairs or use them for spare parts.

There are cheaper chairs made in China that just don't hold up and make lousy spare parts. Building one from scratch is $450 designed for the needs of users in Guatemala. Give the gift of a Christmas present to someone you love but who HAS everything and sponsor a nifty wheel chair for someone in need.  Okay now I am done with my Soap Box and will climb down.

For more information click on the link below

Don and Alex were done for the day so each went their separate ways also. For Don that meant a trip to the mercado and Alex gave us a ride out and we took a tuk tuk home with my new soup pot and ladle. We did not have any fresh veggies for that pot but have plans to procure some tomorrow. We have to carry everything home so I decided we would start with the pot then the ingredients. That could mean that I bring home the bacon tomorrow and actually cook it the next day - it's a long walk to and from the market.


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