Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Fixer-Upper?

Walking to and from Ochenta, I pass this gate across from San Francisco El Grande.

It's really quite old, as the plaque above the gate notes. Dated May 1, 1760, it describes two indulgences granted by the Archbishop. The first was for 90 days if you knelt before the image of Our Lady of Light, while the other was for 40 more days for saying a Hail Mary. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I need a lot more than that,.

Back to the building, I'm thinking that it's a real fixer-upper. A little paint, maybe some carpet and, of course, a large fountain for the courtyard should be just what it needs.

(Note: the above picture is a replacement that I took this morning. I thought it better illustrated the true potential of the property for development.) I'm joking, I hope you understand.

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