Friday, March 4, 2011

I live!

Last Monday afternoon, while walking home from Ochenta, I noticed that my right hand ached. By Tuesday, I had a full-fledged bronchial issues, major coughing,  massive sinus discharge plus I ached all over. Wednesday, I moved on to high fever (a rarity for me, usually my temperature falls when I get sick) accompanied by continued coughing, but reduced sinus discharge. Thursday, I still had a fever, but seemed to be improving slightly. I was feeling so good, for a change, Thursday night, that I even watched a movie in English, with Spanish subtitles. The movie was "300" and tells the story of the valiant Spartan stand by 300 men at Thermopylae Pass in 480 B.C. against the entire Persian army. Today, I'm going into Ochenta for the morning, as the guys play wheelchair basketball in the afternoon. We had planned to attend the basketball game, but I really think a nap would do me more good. I think I'm finally over my crud, but feel like I've been kicked by a mule. Hopefully, by Monday, I'll be able to really get back to work.

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