Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fuel Prices in Guatemala

We don't have a car here in Guatemala and don't intend to obtain one. If we need a vehicle for some reason, we can easily hire one without worrying about maintenance (except whether the care we hired ever gets some), fuel, insurance, all the other crazy drivers and the cobblestone streets here that beat vehicles to death.

On Saturday, on our trip to Guatemala City, our chicken bus had to stop for fuel. Here's what they are charging for fuel (in U.S. dollars) at this one gasoline station in Guatemala:

Regular - $4.33/gallon
Super - $4.41/gallon
Diesel - $4.02/gallon

By the way, our trip to Guatemala City, which took between 45 minutes and an hour cost us Q9 ($1.17) per person each way. A tuk tuk ride across La Antigua costs Q15 ($1.95) for the two of us.

Now, who in their right mind would go the the bother and the frustration of owning a vehicle. Besides, we walk almost everywhere we go. It's better for our health.

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