Saturday, March 5, 2011

Whee HA Shopping with a grump!!! Lots of fun.


Don has been under the weather all week and is recovering but is not suffering fools gladly.

We called Tuk Tuk Daniel and he picked us up at the door of our one room castle. We asked to be taken to the Dispensa (Small Wal-Mart). Weekends are a really terrible time to be out trying to shop because all of the weekend people and tourist who come to town. At any rate we went to the pharmacy in the Bodegona and got cough meds, and a thermometer and some baking soda to clear the shower drain. Then we did some shopping for basics like TP, spices, noodles, etc. The check out system sucks worse than anything you can find or imagine in the States. The store is organized like a crazed monkey did it so things are really hard to find. Don was not having a good time but until I understand the money system and learn what is a good price for the things we buy I want both of us to be there to shop. One day soon I will go in and map the stupid store and take some pictures to share with you because we buy our cooking oil in a foil bag with a screw on lid, mayo comes the same way, salsa can be bought in a clear plastic bag, etc. It is very interesting to say the least. Once we had all of the groceries we thought we had the money for we went hunting for a pizza place down the street for personal pans to take to the Spanish Embassy to eat. We went back to Dispensa to pick up a couple of items we didn't get the first time. Don went into the store and I stayed outside with the first purchases. If you go into the store with a bag you must leave it in a locker before entering the store (back packs have to be left in lockers also).  After that we called Daniel to pick us up at Pollo Comparo and were rushed home - shaken not stirred. The rest of the day will be spent reading and perhaps there could be a nap in there someplace. Don's coughing is keeping us both awake a good part of the night. He is better and I hope he does not cough for the next 6 weeks!


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